Sunday, February 21, 2010

Service Learning Log Week 2

Jen Ackerman
Nina Perez
Introduction to Women’s Study

Activism: This past Tuesday myself, Jo, and Alex attended the biweekly SAFE, Students Advocating For Equality, meeting as well as the weekly Equal (formerly GLBSU) meeting where we met up with Rebecca Marques. I do not usually go to these meetings however we thought it would bring us closer to our cause and community partner. We did not really do anything else for our project this week. The Thursday meeting to storyboard the promotional video was cancelled and has not been rescheduled.

Reflection: In our Fight Like A Girl text, author Megan Seely talks about how “no act is to small” ( 24) and I think this week is when I really had to embrace that. Since we didn’t really do anything concrete for our project I am feeling a nervous and very much dislike leaving things for the last minute. Basically all we really did this week was go to the meetings together. However, after I remembered what Seely had said about how activism on the micro, individual level is just as important as the big things, I felt better because we reached out to learn more about the topics and issues we were fighting against and for (24) . The meetings both dealt with the topic of discrimination and the challenges that come with being outside our societal norms.

Reciprocity: I think the combination of being in this class and now becoming apart of such an important agenda on campus have started to really impact the way I think. I have known I was queer from a pretty young age, so feeling like I am different is not something new to me by now. However embracing and not feelings so ashamed of who I am is starting to set in. As I spend my time fighting for the Transgendered community I think about how ridiculous it is that we have to defend the need for their protection when they are people just like everyone else. This thought process along with my own sexuality has lead to me start accepting myself a little more as a lesbian and its quite possible, a feminist.

Works Cited
Seely, Megan. "Fight Like a Girl." Fight Like a Girl How to be a Fearless Feminist. New York: NYU, 2007. Print.