Monday, April 26, 2010

Lee Welles Email

Dear Ms. Welles,
My name is Jen Ackerman and I am currently a student at the University of Central Florida in Orlando Florida. We studied the first two books of your Gaia Girls series in our Women's Studies class. While discussing the first book, we had a discussion on how younger girls and boys might interpret the actions of Elizabeth as far as her disrupting the Harmony Farms. And while I understand her intentions and actions I was wondering if you ever had any worries or anxieties that Elizabeth's Gaia-powered activism would be interpreted as vandalism or a type of allowed lawlessness? Thank you so much for this wonderful series.
-Jen Ackerman

Hello Jen,

Great question! I DO have some worries about that, especially as I anticipate the “fire-girl!”

However, kids are great at understanding the difference between story and reality. Just look at cartoons! When I go into schools, I take great pains to explain to kids that their Gaia-power is in how they spend their money. “Every time you spend a dollar, you are saying ‘yes’ to something.’” They get it.

I’m glad you enjoyed the books…spread the word!

Lee Welles, eco-author

Gaia Girls Book Series


  1. Thank you for posting this Jen!

  2. Received a Google-alert about your blog post! I've enjoyed the questions you and your classmates posed. Very different from the typical: "When is the movie coming out? Can I be in it?" emails I get from 10-year olds!
    There is a possibility I will be visiting the Women's Studies students in the fall (virtually, or otherwise) Hope to meet you if I do!
    Have a great summer!
    Lee Welles, author Gaia Girls book series
