Sunday, May 2, 2010

Service Learning Log Week 10

Jen Ackerman
Nina Perez
Introduction to Women's Studies

Activism: Two days ago we presented our project to the class.

Reflection: Before presenting our project to the class I did not really think it was going to impact me as much as it did. Basically, I was not prepared for how actually presenting, discussing, and explaining our whole campaign, was going to effect me. In the last chapter of our text Women's Lives, a chapter we didn't get to, there is a run down given of how to create change. It starts with examining the problem, the issue, using "the mind." Then you must envision the change and what to actually transform for a "better future," using "the heart." And the last step is using "the hands," meaning the actions we take to fulfill our visions (584-85). With no exaggeration, this is exactly what my group did this past semester. With our minds, hearts, and hands, we saw a problem and tried our best to fix it. I am so proud of the work myself and my group did and I love the fact that I can say my mind and hands were in this project, but more importantly so much of my heart was. And I did not realize how much it was until we presented to the class and it hit me. When Jo was telling talking about her family and when Alex was speaking about her complications, I just kept feeling the sadness yet joy this whole experience has brought me. It wasn't until the end that I really saw what our project meant, and when the class applauded us, I felt like they also understood the importance of it.

Reciprocity: The confidence and motivation I have gotten out of this project are priceless. I just feel so energized and pumped up for future projects. The things I have learned not only from this class, but this entire campaign are endless. I learned the fundamentals of working with an organization like EQUAL and SAFE, how to effectively table and petition, how to produce a successful Public Service Announcement. I learned how to deal with helpful, supportive, aggressive, and hostile people. What I am taking from this experience is such great but also useful knowledge that I feel so lucky to have been given.

Kirk, Gwyn, and Margo Okazawa-Rey. "Creating Change: Theory, Vision,and Action." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 584-594. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Im also happy that this project went well and from each of the experiences that happened to all of us, i feel like we all grew wiser and more confident about dealing and fighting for causes like these one.
